Why Vault and Kubernetes is the perfect couple

The (not so) secret flaws of Kubernetes Secrets When you’re starting learning and using Kubernetes for the first time you discover that there is this special object called Secret that is designed for storing various kinds of confidential data. However, when you find out it is very similar to ConfigMap object and is not encrypted […]

How to build CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes

Kubernetes as a standard development platform We started with single, often powerful, machines that hosted many applications. Soon after came virtualization, which didn’t actually change a lot from a development perspective but it did for the field of operations. So developers became mad, and that’s when the public cloud emerged to satisfy their needs instead […]

10 most important differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes

UPDATED on 10.6.2019 (after the release of OpenShift 4.1): Added information on OpenShift 4. UPDATED on 30.8.2019: Added information on CodeReady Containers for running single OpenShift node. OpenShift has been often called as “Enterprise Kubernetes” by its vendor – Red Hat. In this article, I’m describing real differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Maintaining big Kubernetes environments with factories

People are fascinated by containers, Kubernetes and cloud native approach for different reasons. It could be enhanced security, real portability, greater extensibility or more resilience. For me personally, and for organizations delivering software products for their customers, there is one reason that is far more important – it’s the speed they can gain. That leads […]

Honest review of OpenShift 4

We waited over 7 months for OpenShift Container Platform 4 release. We even got version 4.1 directly because Red Hat decided not to release version 4.0. And when it was finally released we almost got a new product. It’s a result and implication of acquisition of CoreOS by Red Hat announced at the beginning of […]

Czas introwertyków

Jestem introwertykiem. Jak wielu ludzi w IT. Często słyszę dowcip – “nie chcesz rozmawiać z ludźmi to idź na studia informatyczne” i chyba panuje takie ogólne przeświadczenie, że w branży IT jest nas najwięcej. Jest to jednak dalekie od prawdy, gdyż według wielu badań rozkład wychodzi mniej więcej po równo t.j. cechy introwertyczne i ekstrawertyczne […]